Saturday, 27 October 2012

First ever blog - offence, it's overrated.

Right OK, well hello whoever you are reading this (probably no-one). This is my first official blog and I'm basically just doing it to spice things up a bit and see what's what because at the moment I haven't got a clue what's going on here. Feels good to just type continuously without having to check to see I've not gone over 140 characters. Yes that's right I use Twitter, its been three sentences and I'm already putting in a shameless self-promotion to my Twitter page - don't lie you'd do the same. It used to be Bracey111 but after slating some pretty American girls for tweeting philosophical drivel like they were Aristotle's great granddaughter I was bombarded by nonsensical followers and tweets from 'jocks' and 'chicks' like it was Iwo-bloody-Jima. Anyway that's me in a nutshell, if I don't like something I say so, why? Because I can and so should you, don't be afraid of saying something that might offend someone because in all honesty no matter what you say someone, somewhere will be offended. 
EXAMPLE:  Every time I don my lycra and go for a ride on British roads I will be given the finger, fingers, w*nker sign, cursed at or spat at approximately 7.8 times every hour. Not really that stat is a lie and so are 97% of other facts, apparently, that's probably not true either. But you get the idea, Whether its an old man who quite frankly shouldn't be on the road, a white van driver or a dirty chav in a Vauxhall Corsa, they all hate me cause I ride a bike and if you do too then guess what, yeah, they hate you too. Why you ask? Well if its the old guy - 'eeerr you don't pay road tax so get off the road you little sh*t'. Yeah well nice one granddad but road tax was abolished in 1937 and no longer exists, roads are paid for through local and general taxation (we have Winston to thank for that). If its the Transit driver its because you're getting in his way and stopping him from getting to 65 Acacia Ave and robbing some poor old lady blind for a bit of maintenance work that only costs a fraction of what he's charging. And finally if its the chav with his cheating girlfriend in the passenger seat posing for a self photo to upload to her Facebook where she knows she'll get sh*t loads of likes even though she's wearing more make-up than clothes and looks like a duck. Innit innit. The chav in question will overtake stupidly close and tell me I look something stupid despite the fact my bicycle is worth 4 of his cars. 
So you see everyday I am offended, big deal. They can shout whatever they like, if its any of the above then they're either close to finding out what happens when your time runs out, living an un-fulfilling life or on they're way to one. So they can shout whatever they want because I'm doing what I love and don't care what they think of me (just so long as they don't try and kill me), just like I can tell some college girl from Utah what I think of her tweets without being unnecessarily rude or personal and she shouldn't care. Its content that's important, who she is or what she believes on or where she was born has nothing to do with it, all I'm criticising is her tweet. If she's offended personally that's her own prerogative. When a motorist shouts at me he's not really shouting at me he's shouting at the 'cyclist'. So you see how everyone is offended but its how each individual deals with being offended that's important. Don't take it personally. 
Wish you could see what I can see right now, moon looks as clear as the sun. Reminds me I watched Prometheus last night; great film go watch it. Right I'm going to wrap this up now because I can smell food, you're getting bored and I've got kit to prepare for my first training ride tomorrow up in Ambleside with my new team for 2013 - who I can't wait to get racing for, hopefully the start of something big. Hope you've enjoyed my ramblings, if you've not and have been offended in anyway I just want you to know from the bottom of my heart, I couldn't care less. Peace out kids and remember; guidarla come te l'ha rubata. TB


  1. Great blog mate. Enjoy your ride with your new team. See you on the road soon. You doing Llanberis with WVCC?

  2. Hey Julian, cheers mate, will mainly be blogging about racing with the new team and such like but this was just my first and completely spontaneous haha. Not sure to be honest is that the weekend away early season? TB

  3. Yes last weekend in Feb. Fid is doing it again but spaces are getting limited if your interested.

  4. Not sure if i'll be able to cause I've not received my race schedule yet and cant risk double booking, thanks though mate
